Monday, July 14, 2008

Not Exactly a Whale of a Time

In regards to my Spanish counterpart: holds the answer to your question in its expected holiday illustration. Yes,today is indeed the national holiday celebrating France's independence. However, I am baguette-less and out of festivities will have to be postponed. Rahoo: when in doubt, one googles. [insert reason for UVA acceptance here].

Moving further east (keeping it relative), let's discuss those who unfortunately will not be celebrating freedom today. As most of you darlings are familiar with my fertile effervescent mind (I'm so clever), I am once again discussing the green movement. It has been 26 days since members in the Greenpeace Japan office were arrested for exposing the whale industry scandal. Sadly, they have been formally charged with trespass and theft.

If you are unfamiliar with these Japanese hunting habits check out